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Systems housing PII (Personally Identifiable information) are constantly under attack.  

Systems housing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) are contantly under attack.  A strong defense is a must and that defense needs to be stronger than it was yesterday.  Industries such as financial services, education and energy are all targets as they house a wealth of PII that hackers are seeking. Not protecting that data to the level of today's threats could lead to compliance issues, legal exposure and/or loss of client trust.

TFS goes beyond the initial assessment in order to show continuous  improvement to the organization’s security program, TFS not only performs an initial Risk Assessment at the client’s organization but follows up with a mid-year review to document progress and improvements to the security program.  In an effort to provide our clients with the most accurate and detailed risk analysis possible, TFS constantly re-evaluates its auditing processes and scoring criteria to reflect the latest research in the area of Security.


TFS is proud of the partnerships we build with our clients. We collaborate with our clients, forming relationships, in order to be a resource when clients have questions or when they just want to “bounce an idea off” of an expert in the security field.  


TFS compares similar organizations (e.g. small, medium and large facilities and health systems), analyzing each mandate to understand areas that clients are doing well as well as areas that clients need improvement.

The TFS Security Risk Assessment 

Methodology forms the foundation for an

interactive approach to our

Security Assessment.  TFS'

assessment is based directly on the 

NIST (National Institute of Standards in Technology) standard for protecting Personally Identifiable Information, to work with your team to perform a detailed gap analysis of the key security controls. Our assessment is a combination of both onsite meetings and remote work, where our focus is to complete your risk assessment with the least amount of travel expense and minimal disruption to your team’s busy schedule.  The end result is best summed up by one of our clients:

 “TFS took nondescript regulations and applied a prescriptive framework with an easy to manage and measure gap analysis. Their comprehensive assessments and progress reports provides a rare level of clarity in a very complex environment. That’s not something I’ve experienced with any other vendor in this space during my career (30 years). Well done”. 


TFS strives to do more and constantly improve our coverage and process.  TFS recently launched Security Alerts as a free service to add more value to our clients overall security management program.  These alerts help our clients stay in current on critical security happenings without being buried in all the literature being released on a daily basis. This is just one more way that we live up to the saying, Over delivered. Not overpriced.™



Risk Assessment


We put IT in Data SecurITy!™

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. - Cols 3:23

© 2024 by Technical Financial Solutions, LLC

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