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Department of Homeland Security releases report on Russian Malicious Cyber Activity - Phishing secti

• Implement a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for your organization’s Domain Name System (DNS) zone file to minimize risks relating to the receipt of spoofed messages.

• Educate users to be suspicious of unsolicited phone calls, social media interactions, or email messages from individuals asking about employees or other internal information. If an unknown individual claims to be from a legitimate organization, try to verify his or her identity directly with the company.

• Do not provide personal information or information about your organization, including its structure or networks, unless you are certain of a person’s authority to have the information.

• Do not reveal personal or financial information in social media or email, and do not respond to solicitations for this information. This includes following links sent in email.

• Pay attention to the URL of a website. Malicious websites may look identical to a legitimate site, but the URL often includes a variation in spelling or a different domain than the valid website (e.g., .com vs. .net).

• If you are unsure whether an email request is legitimate, try to verify it by contacting the company directly. Do not use contact information provided on a website connected to the request; instead, check previous statements for contact information. Information about known phishing attacks is also available online from groups such as the Anti-Phishing Working Group (

• Take advantage of anti-phishing features offered by your email client and web browser.

• Patch all systems for critical vulnerabilities, prioritizing timely patching of software that processes Internet data, such as web browsers, browser plugins, and document readers.

Source: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

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